How To: Complete Continued Claim forms to maintain unemployment benefits in California

Complete Continued Claim forms to maintain unemployment benefits in California

If you're an out-of-work Californian, take advantage of the benefits provided by the Employment Development Department (EDD) of California. If you've already followed the directions for applying for unemployment insurance benefits, then there are a few more steps involved in getting and maintaining your monetary unemployment reward.

If there are questions about eligibility, EDD staff will conduct telephone interviews with the employer and claimant to resolve any issues.

After any issues have been resolved, the Continued Claim form is sent with your claim materials after EDD processes your application for UI benefits. Carefully complete and mail the Continued Claim Form on the date shown on the front of the form. UI benefits are paid after a properly completed and signed Continued Claim form is submitted to the EDD.

The easiest, fastest way to complete your Continued Claim form is online, at the new EDD Web-Cert page.

** Check out the second (part one) and third (part two) videos for a Spanish version — "Cómo Completar el Formulario de Solicitud de Beneficios Continuos"

(1) Part 1 of 3 - How to Complete Continued Claim forms to maintain unemployment benefits in California, (2) Part 2 of 3 - How to Complete Continued Claim forms to maintain unemployment benefits in California, (3) Part 3 of 3 - How to Complete Continued Claim forms to maintain unemployment benefits in California

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