Jobs & Resumes How-Tos

How To: Write a Writer's Resume

The resume is an essential tool for getting freelance work assignments. A well written article is not enough when trying to secure a freelance or staff position as a writer. Publishers want to see a resume. It gives the writer an outstanding opportunity to introduce themselves and it gives the editor a general idea of who you are, where you've been, and the work you've completed.

How To: Do Well on Your First Job Interview (For Students)

I know there are many students going for their first job that are new to the whole interview process. This is why I’m writing this article—to provide some tips on making your first interview experience simpler and hopefully successful. I’m currently in a university, but I had my first job when I was in ninth grade. I’ve held a few jobs and have undergone interviews many times. Sometimes they didn’t go so well, but I did learn from my mistakes. As I learned, I became better at interviews and s...

How To: Make Money Writing Online with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a beautiful thing. They pay you for posting content online, whether it be through a third-party website like WonderHowTo or on your own website. WonderHowTo seems to be a good place to start from if you plan to make money with AdSense, but it's not the only place that you can submit content to and receive all of the revenue generated by the AdSense ad units. You may want to get a wider audience and more traffic, and for that you must look beyond the horizon of just one site.

HowTo: Get Paid To Be a Total Lazy Ass

Eric Abrahamson, a professor at Columbia University, writes in to Forbes on how to be the Michelangelo of work shirking. The article is intended to help managers better understand their team's lack of productivity, but it also provides 10 simple tactics for all the lazy asses out there. Introducing exhibit A, June, a total lazy ass who lasted almost a decade in her job before being laid off:

How To: Hack Your Resume to Fool Keyword-Hunting Robots & Land Yourself More Interviews (The Evil Way)

If you thought humans were reading your résumé, think again. Robots do, and their one solitary objective is to systematically crush the hopes and dreams of those who don't make the cut. Instead of paying a few humans to read thousands of résumés over a couple weeks, many companies use computer programs that can do the job in less than an hour. In fact, at least 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use what they call an applicant-tracking system, aka rejection machines.

How To: Get paid to work out by becoming a personal trainer

For most of us, working out at the gym is a time we have to schedule outside of our other work and family commitments. But how about making exercise your job? No, we're not talking about becoming a pro athelete. Rather, if you become a personal trainer you can work out, help others work out, and get paid good money while doing it.

How To: Start a home-based business and be your own boss

Many people think that once they start a business of their own they'll be cruisin' through life. No set hours, no boss to insult you, and no getting up at 6 AM to commute to work. But being your own boss comes with a lot of responsibility. If you're ready to take the good with the bad, check out this video to learn how to begin a home-based business.

How To: File for unemployment in Michigan

In this tutorial, we learn how to file for unemployment in Michigan. In the state of Michigan, you can now file online or on the phone without standing in line. First, you will need to make sure you have all of your personal information and information from your previous job. Once you have all of this information, enter it into the phone or the internet when you are asked for the information. When you are finished entering in the information, you will be finished. The state will contact you i...

How To: Negotiate salary terms

In this tutorial, we learn how to negotiate salary terms. If you have just gotten a new job but the salary is not what you were hoping for, there is a way to negotiate the terms. If you have a great benefit package and salary, you will have the career benefits that you want to have. Talk to your boss or the appropriate person to see what you can do to get a higher pay rate at your new job. See if there is a way you can prove your work to get a salary increase. Negotiate with them to see what ...

How To: Negotiate your salary without losing the job

This is a video tutorial in the Business & Money category where you are going to learn how to how to negotiate your salary without losing the job. You want more salary but, the company wants to pay less. How do you come to an agreement where both sides are happy? George Black, CEO of RSA Corp, gives tips on how to facilitate salary negotiations. The most important tip is he who mentions money first loses. So what you need to do is say "I am very interested in this position and I would serious...

How To: Understand the field of psychiatry

If you're wondering about the field of psychiatry, this video will teach you what you need to know. Dr. Ogan Gurel talks about the field of psychiatry and how it works. Psychiatry is a field of medicine that deals with mental disorders and looks at signs and symptoms. As you begin to understand the different aspects to the behavior, medication is entered into the equation to help out the behavior of the person. He explains that you must understand the biological symptoms of people as well as ...

How To: Negotiate a salary right out of school

This video tutorial is in the Business & Money category which will show you how to negotiate a salary right out of school. Of all the questions you can get asked in an interview, probably the toughest one to answer is "what are your salary expectations?" if you quote too low, you might leave some money on the table. And if you go too high, you may price yourself out of the job. So, what does a college student do? If they asked you the question in an interview, be clear that it's a negotiation...

How To: Give a chest examination for doctors

In this video we learn how to give a chest examination for doctors. First, ask the patient how they are feeling and check their pulse, then watch them breathe. After this, lift their chin up and feel their chest while they are breathing. From here, place both hands on their chest and feel the palpation inside of their body. After this, grab the stethoscope and listen to their heart beat while they are relaxing and breathing as well as deep breathing. As soon as you have listened to the heart ...

How To: Become a doctor fast

In this tutorial, we learn how to become a doctor fast. There are many ways to become a doctor, including shortcuts. The first shortcut is if you just got out of high school you can take tests that will test you on knowledge you can study on your own. Just from these you can get credits which will give you extra credit without taking all the time. You can also take summer classes that will get you ahead. If you do this, you will finish your bachelor degree 1.5 years faster. Using these tips y...

How To: Negotiate a pay raise with game theory

In this video, we learn how to negotiate a pay raise with game theory. You first need to take into account how much money you are getting an hour with how much you are worth. Make a chart with your boss on there and the other player is you. You will then see if you want to play soft, medium, or hardball with them to negotiate. Think about how your boss will respond to different types of negotiations. When you are finally confident in approaching your boss, you will get respect and get the pay...

How To: Become a great lawyer

In this video, we learn how to become a great lawyer. You will need to study hard and be very committed. You will also need to be careful with the use of your words and make the appropriate sacrifices. You will need to have heart with your cases, it's not enough to just be smart. You need to also be great at debating and have a lot of passion that is in your life. The passion and heart is what will give you the difference between being a good attorney and a great attorney. Make sure you're al...

How To: Earn An Income By Writing Auto Repair Estimates

Collision Repair Related Careers When you think of a career in collision repair you probably think of a body repair or paint technician. However, there are a lot of related careers that collision repair can lead to. For Example, you can work in auto parts stores, dealerships, insurance companies, paint representatives, trainers, etc. In this article we are going to examine a career as an auto estimator.

How To: Not answer the "How do you stay current?" question

In this tutorial, we learn how to not answer the "How do you stay current?" question. When you are asked this question on an interview, it's important to know how to answer it without looking crazy. To answer this correctly, do not answer what you "want" to do, employers are not interested in this. Also, hinting that learning is a low priority is not impressive to your interviewer. You want to be more specific when stating the obvious, so they completely understand what you are trying to say....

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