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How To: Write an email cover letter

In this video, we learn tips on writing an email cover letter. First, when using "miss", write "ms". Also, make sure you use the correct grammar and the correct punctuation. Remember that this isn't an email to your friends, it's a professional email. Also, remember to use the last name, not the first name. You want to start off with an introductory sentence stating who you are and where you got that person's contact information from. Give why you want to work there, what department, and why ...

How To: Prepare an elevator speech to help your job search

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to develop an elevator speech. An elevator speech is a short prepared speech in which you "sell" yourself to others. The average elevator ride is no longer than 20 seconds, so your speech should be no longer than that. Your speech should describe who you are. Your name, if your meeting a new contact. It should explain what you have to offer, the skills that are relevant to the job you are seeking. What benefit will you provide. This video will benefit...

How To: Deal with getting passed over for promotion

Being passed over for a promotion that you really wanted is one of the toughest things that can happen to you at the office. Reacting to it with proactively, but with poise and grace, is vital to making sure that you get the promotion next time. This video will teach you how to deal with being passed over for promotions in an effective way to make sure that you aren't passed over again.

How To: Write an effective letter of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are important in the business world. If you have been asked to write about a coworker, student or friend, check out this tutorial. Takes you through a step-by-step process you can use to produce a professional-looking and highly effective letter of recommendation. Includes how to structure your letter, how to personalize it for your candidate, and how to make it convincing to the recipient.

How To: Negotiate your salary the right way

Congratulations, you've landed the job! But you have no idea how much you're going to make, or what sort of offer you're getting. Watch this video as Brad Karsh walks you through each step of negotiation, even before you get into the interview. Do your research, and make sure you'll be getting paid what you deserve.

How To: Write a bid letter for a job

Do you think you're well in your business venture but you can't get clients and don't know why? Perhaps the issue isn't in your work itself, but how you present it. Knowing how to write a great bid letter is a valuable weapon in that cutthroat business world. This video from Freelance Writing will show you how to write a bid letter for a job.

How To: Explain your biggest achievement in a job interview

Denham Resources illustrates some common mistakes that people make when answering a common and infamous job interview question: what is your biggest achievement? Rather than simply listing tips for answering the question, they use footage of a woman answering it poorly and highlight the mistakes that she makes as she goes along. He interview is deemed "the bad". In the follow-up video, deemed "the ugly," another video of an applicant illustrates just about the worst possible way to answer thi...

How To: Properly fold a letter and place it into an envelope

This video is about professional/business letter folding and mailing. Before starting this process your hands should be clean and dry so as not to ruin the look of the letter. To fold the letter correctly, you must take the bottom 1/3 of the letter and fold it upwards towards the letterhead - it should be folded about halfway to the top. Then crease the fold. Next you fold the top down and crease that fold also. To mail, you must place the lettehead, head down, face forward into the envelope....

How To: Properly fold a letter and look professional

From this video, learn a proper way to fold a letter professionally and place it an envelope. Basically take the letter and lay it in a flat surface, then find a spot in the paper which is almost a certain way up and then fold from bottom to that spot and crease it. Then fold from the top above the previous fold and then crease it so that it is a three fold letter. Make sure that the letter head is up when you place it inside the envelope. So that when a person opens the letter the letter hea...

How To: Become a flight medic

Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.

How To: Write a resume in the table format

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how write a resume in the table format. A table formatted resume is one of the most effective formats. It highlights metrics in a particular field that potential employers are looking for in a presentable quick overview. At the top of the table, provide your name, contact information and location. In the table, list your skill, experience, role and products from each of your previous jobs and experiences. This video will benefit those viewers who are sear...

How To: Dress appropriately for a job interview

This is a humorous video with tips for young people on how to dress and act to make a good impression in a job interview. Dressing inappropriately for the interview will make the interviewer wonder what you might wear to work. Be well groomed, remove any piercings and be sure any tattoos are covered. A suit is not really necessary; a shirt with a collar and khaki pants are fine. Your appearance shows the interviewer that you are more interested in the job than in expressing your own personal ...

How To: Become a paranormal investigator

Do you love a good mystery? Were you a huge fan of "The X Files" or any other freaky movie or TV show? If you are daring and not afraid of the unexplained, Paranormal Investigator may be the job for you. Check out this video to see if you qualify and exactly how you can get into this spooky field.

How To: Become a golf coach

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to become a golf coach. Most coaches are high school teachers. You don't have to be a teacher to coach. You just need to be great a player and enjoy the sport. You need to have the desire. They need to set up the programs and setup the tournaments. There is not a lot of teaching involved. They mainly have one on one lessons. But to become a college golf course, you need a college education. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy the sport of ...

How To: Answer "Why do you want to work here?"

This is a presentation of how to face toughest interview questions. During most of the job interview, the interviewer is trying to find out your capabilities if the job. They want the client to explore why they want to be working here. They know that you want a job. But more specifically they need to know why you want to work in their firm and also your capabilities. So, you must be prepared to answer for this common question for most of the interviews. First of all you should understand why ...

How To: Answer the "Tell me about yourself" question

In this video, John Heaney gives advice on how to answer a simple but difficult question during a job interview. If interviewers ask job seekers to tell them about themselves, they can be put on the spot and be unable to even begin to answer the question. Heaney puts this question into perspective from the employer's perspective. For instance, he reminds you to remember that you are applying for a job and your answer should be related to your technical abilities rather than your personal inte...

How To: Attract more business with feng shui

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to attract more business with feng shui. To attract more business you need helpful people to hire you or to spread the word about your goods and services. The travel of information is also important in business. Your house should address these areas. First, find the focus room on your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The travel and helpful people area is in the lower right corner of your home, standing i...

How To: Answer "What are your greatest weaknesses?"

This video explains how to answer one of the five toughest job interview questions, this one being "what are your greatest weaknesses?" In it John Heaney of "The Job Shopper" explains that the most important thing about this question is to realize that answering in a way that really paints a negative picture of yourself will negatively impact your potential employment.

How To: Answer interview questions with strategy

hcoleman teaches you how to answer interview questions using strategy. When the interviewer asks you to talk about yourself, you should talk about your strengths, abilities, and things that motivate you; things that demotivate you are also important. Your last job question should focus on achievements, leadership, and team skills. Use examples regarding your qualifications. The five years question is about honesty. You should talk about the company you want to work for in 5 years. Identify yo...

How To: Answer "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

In this video from NescoResource we learn how to answer the question in an interview of "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" This question provides you an opportunity to show your commitment to that job and to demonstrate your knowledge of the company's and the role you could have in achieving that vision. To provide a thoughtful response, you need to do the homework on the company. Do not answer by saying you see yourself in the interviewer's job. This could really backfire on you because...

How To: Dress for a business casual interview

In a recent poll taken by an online recruiting company revealed that 37 percent of all hiring managers do not hire someone based just on the way they dress, more than half said they'd hold it against a candidate if they hadn't worn a jacket and seventy percent said that they wouldn't hire anyone wearing jeans, a leather jacket or a polo shirt to the interview. The rules for office dress code have changed, more and more companies offer their employees a business-casual dress code which makes i...

How To: Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps -- have you ever thought of it? It crosses everybody's mind at one point or another, but mostly college students. The Peace Corps offers many benefits, like life experience, student loan repayment, and travel. If you are ready for 27 months of hard but rewarding work, a job with the Peace Corps might be for you. These steps will help you on your way toward an unforgettable experience.